Customer Wins

The Kalamazoo Wings lean into fan behaviour and generate $102k additional revenue



average conversion rate for last-minute buyer activations


improvement on individual buyer churn rate
(6% higher than league average)


revenue from won back individual ticket buyers

The Goal

Retaining historical fans and bringing them out to multiple games in a season is critical, especially for teams in smaller markets. The Wings provide an example of how a consistent, thoughtful approach that meets fans in ways (and times) that align with their preferred purchase behaviours can result in significant improvements in fan retention and associated revenue.

What Worked

Identifying the fan audiences who purchased within a week of the game and “last-minute” buyers made it easy to turn insight into action.

The Wings were able to do this by recognizing the dynamic fan preferences within their loyal fanbase. Advances in digital ticketing makes it possible for fans to buy tickets at the last minute in just a few clicks. This season, the Wings leaned into these fan behaviours.

  • Consistency was key in order to capitalize on this trend. The Wings developed a detailed plan and stuck with it, increasing the number of fan lists activated by 20% over the previous season.
  • The Wings diligently analyzed performance, made adjustments, and stayed the course. Even when some activations appeared to perform better than others.

  • The StellarAlgo Segment Builder made it easy to connect with fans by text and email just prior to a game, the Wings adapted to the last-minute buying behaviour of their trusted fanbase.

Try It Out

Identifying meaningful connections with fans takes more than data. The first time a fan engages with your team provides an incredible opportunity to nurture and grow a loyal community, but who is engaging for their first time? What matters to them? How can we contact them the right way?

The StellarAlgo platform is designed to solve those challenges for the sports industry and make it easier to connect with fans. Get started with the First-Known Attendees Play to better engage new fans and bring them back to a second event in the same season.

More fans.

Better Engagement.

Stellar Results.

Get Started